The 10 most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 22-Jan-95
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File                Dir        Size Description
|------------------- ---        ---- -----------
ar302.lha          docs/mags   75K   0+Amiga Report 3.01, January 15, 1995
SD3V13.lha         disk/misc  132K   0+High-speed disk copier and formatter.
aiff_dtc.lha       util/wb     25K   0+AIFF/AIFC datatype, v1.11
LhADir111.lha      util/dir    17K   0+Use LhA archives as normal dirs in DOpus
AmiTCP_tnserv.lha  comm/tcp    68K   0+Telnet daemon for AmiTCP, version 1.1
FW30int-030pch.lha biz/patch  177K   0+Speed improvement for FinalWriter 3.0 In
TOMCAT.lha         game/demo  2.3M   1+Demo of true Full-Motion Video Game
ObjectArchive.lha  util/arc    48K   0+Access archives (lha, tar...) like disks
minerunner13.lha   game/jump   77K   0 Loderunner that runs im multitasking (V1
hyperace1.lha      game/2play 488K   0+4 player racing game

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